Andre F. Clewell

Andre F. Clewell

Andre F. Clewell taught botany at Florida State University in Tallahassee for 16 years before entering private practice as a restoration practitioner and plant ecologist. He owned a consulting firm for 22 years. He served as President of the Society for Ecological Restoration and is currently the managing trustee of the newly formed nongovernmental organization, RNC-South Asia, which is affiliated with the RNC Alliance, based at the Missouri Botanical Garden. His research interests include ecosystem inventory and characterization, restoration ecology, and plant systematics.
Clewell served on the board of directors of SER International during the first seven years of that organization's existence and as SER's second president for two of those years. He owned A.F. Clewell, Inc. in Holmes Beach, Florida, which was founded in 1984 and closed in 2006.

Restauración Ecológica

Restauración Ecológica

Principios, Valores y Estructura de una Profesión Emergente

Publicado originalmente en 2007, Restauración Ecológica se volvió uno de los libros seminales en su campo. En esta segunda versión totalmente revisada y reorganizada, dos de los líderes en restauración ecológica presentan y comentan los nuevos desarrollos y tendencias en este campo emergente.

Restauração Ecológica

Restauração Ecológica

Princípios, Valores e Estrutura de uma Profissão Emergente

Publicado originalmente em 2007, Restauração Ecológica se tornou um livro seminal em seu campo. Esta edição completamente revisada e reorganizada apresenta desenvolvimentos e tendências atuais no campo por dois dos líderes mundiais em restauração ecológica.

Ecological Restoration, Second Edition

Principles, Values, and Structure of an Emerging Profession

Ecological restoration is a rapidly growing discipline that encompasses a wide range of activities and brings together practitioners and theoreticians from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, ranging from volunteer backyard restorationists to highly trained academic scientists and professional consultants. This book offers a comprehensive and coherent account of the field for everyone who initiates, finances, designs, administers, issues government permits for, manages, and implements ecological restoration projects, and all those who serve in supportive roles.