Craig Stevenson
Craig Stevenson, MBA, MS-MIS, CPHC, LFA, LEED AP, WELL Faculty, WELL AP, RESET AP, Fitwel Ambassador, DBIA
Craig is President of AUROS Group, which is a technology company based in Pittsburgh, PA. He is widely known for his role in establishing Pittsburgh as a leader in "Evidence-based Performance" for the built environment. Evidence-based Performance uses technology to bridge the gap between "hoping" a building is performing as designed to "knowing" a building is meeting its performance goals.
Craig is credentialed in virtually all known building performance standards. As a result, he focuses solely on owner's performance requirements for their building(s). Using cutting-edge technology, Craig and his AUROS360 capabilities ensure owners balance building performance goals with construction costs and long-term operating costs.
Craig sits on the North American Passive House Network Board of Directors. He is a founding member and Vice President of the Passive House Western Pennsylvania organization and sits on the City of Pittsburgh Clean Tech Roundtable and P4 Performance Measures Committee. Craig is also a committee member with the AIA+2030 Committee on the Environment.