David Dixon | An Island Press Author

David Dixon

David Dixon, FAIA, leads planning and urban design for Stantec's Urban Places, an interdisciplinary team that helps cities and suburbs alike thrive by harnessing the growing demand for urban life. His work has won national awards from the AIA, CNU, International Downtown Association, and ASLA. He is co-author of Urban Design for an Urban Century: Placemaking for People, which was first published by Wiley in 2009.

Suburban Remix: The Next Generation of Urban Places

Qualities that began reviving cities 20 years ago — walkable density, community placemaking, a mix of uses geared to a diverse population — are bringing new life to North America’s suburbs.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

#ForewordFriday: Suburban Remix Edition

The considerable social, economic, and environmental costs of suburban sprawl have been widely reported, but suburbs hold new potential for the 21st century. As ground zero for some of the most disruptive changes stemming from accelerating wealth inequities, a rapidly aging population, and growing racial and ethnic diversity, suburbs today face an era of unparalleled opportunity.