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Joy B. Zedler

Joy B. Zedler is the Aldo Leopold Professor of Restoration Ecology and Professor of Botany at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. 

Foundations of Restoration Ecology, Second Edition by Margaret A. Palmer, Joy B. Zedler, and Donald A. Falk | An Island Press book

Foundations of Restoration Ecology

The practice of ecological restoration, firmly grounded in the science of restoration ecology, provides governments, organizations, and landowners a means to halt degradation and restore function and resilience to ecosystems stressed by climate change and other pressures on the natural world. Foundational theory is a critical component of the underlying science, providing valuable insights into restoring ecological systems effectively and understanding why some efforts to restore systems can fail.

Foundations of Restoration Ecology

Foundations of Restoration Ecology

As the practical application of ecological restoration continues to grow, there is an increasing need to connect restoration practice to areas of underlying ecological theory.