Marcia J. McNally
Marcia McNally is an educator and award-winning landscape planner recognized as a leader in international environmental mobilization as well as the on-the-ground practice of citizen participation. McNally teaches annually at Chung Yuan University–Taiwan, and the University of California–Berkeley (as professor emeritus in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning). In 2010 McNally relocated to Durham, North Carolina, where she directs The Neighborhood Laboratory. Continuing her research on social factors, her current work includes investigation of 16 local parks in the Pudong Expansion Area of Shanghai to document the importance of nearby open space to the daily lives of elderly residents. She is the co-founder of SAVE International (Spoonbill Action Voluntary Echo), a grassroots organization that for 19 years has worked to protect the critically endangered Black-faced Spoonbill and its habitat throughout its flyway in East Asia by promoting alternative economic development and long-term sustainability of the ecosystems and local communities.