Resilience Matters: Flourishing in an Era of Extremes edited by Laurie Mazur | An Island Press book

Free Resilience E-book on Flourishing in an Era of Extremes

It’s not a stretch to say we live in an age of extremes: extreme weather, extreme heat, extreme polarization. And yet, in this dire moment, many people are rising to the great environmental and moral challenges of our time.

Cool Your 'Microclimate' in an Ever-Hotter World

Design With Microclimates author Robert D. Brown shares how to make our living environments more pleasant and safer in the era of climate change. 
Climate Resilience for an Aging Nation | Island Press

We're Not Ready for Extreme Heat in a Rapidly Aging Nation

Climate Resilience for an Aging Nation author Danielle Arigoni says extreme heat and other climate impacts disproportionatly impact older adults, but resilience efforts are far behind. 

Don't Breathe the Air

Making Healthy Places contributors Priyanka deSouza and Patrick Kinney outline what we can do to protect ourselves when the next wildfire smoke event occurs. 
