President Trump's proposed budget would be a disaster for the transportation networks that are key to the growth engines of today's economy: cities and their suburbs.
As Donald Trump likes to say, “China is beating us on everything.” While that’s a debatable proposition, there is one area where China is far ahead of the United States, and that’s in resilient transportation systems.
Maybe you've heard about Tactical Urbanism—a neighborhood building approach that harnesses the ingenuity and spirit of communities to quickly improve city life. If these projects inspire you, it's probably time to launch an intervention of your own.
I was late for an appointment, sitting in traffic on one of the major arteries out of Washington DC. It was miserable, barely moving traffic of the kind that makes you whimper with frustration as yet another green light turns yellow, then red, as you inch along
The Island Press Urban Resilience Project, supported by the Kresge Foundation, is working to promote a holistic understanding of resilience that is grounded in equity and sustainability.
It’s Infrastructure Week in Washington, D.C., and thousands of leaders from business, labor and government have converged on the city. They’ve come to ask Congress to invest in the unglamorous but essential systems of modern life — including transportation, clean water and the electric grid.
The Island Press Urban Resilience Project, supported by the Kresge Foundation, is working to promote a holistic understanding of resilience that is grounded in equity and sustainability.
It’s Infrastructure Week in Washington, D.C., and thousands of leaders from business, labor and government have converged on the city. They’ve come to ask Congress to invest in the unglamorous but essential systems of modern life — including transportation, clean water and the electric grid.
The Island Press Urban Resilience Project, supported by the Kresge Foundation, is working to promote a holistic understanding of resilience that is grounded in equity and sustainability.
Shocks and surprises are coming, and we need to build systems that can weather them.