
Unnatural Companions: Rethinking Our Love of Pets in an Age of Wildlife Extinction by Peter Christie | An Island Press book
Rethinking Our Love of Pets in an Age of Wildlife Extinction

"Highly read" — TNC's Cool Green Science We love our pets. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and other species have become an essential part of more families than ever before—in North America...

280 pages
6 x 9

A Handbook for Impact Investing

As the world faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, the resources needed far outstrip the capabilities of nonprofits and even governments. Yet there are seeds of hope—and much of that hope comes from...

240 pages
6 x 9
30 illustrations

Making a city that works for children creates a city that better serves all of its residents across ages and abilities. Yet we have created unsafe street conditions for children in cities around the world. Every day, more than 500 children...

216 pages
8.25 x 10.75
Full color

Meeting Urban Challenges at a New Scale

The US population is estimated to grow by more than 110 million people by 2050, and much of this growth will take place where cities and their suburbs are expanding to meet the suburbs of neighboring cities, creating continuous urban megaregions...

184 pages
6 x 9

The pace, intensity, and scale at which humans have altered our planet in recent decades is unprecedented. We have dramatically transformed landscapes and waterways through agriculture, logging, mining, and fire suppression, with drastic impacts...

224 pages
5.5 x 8.75
2 photos, 19 illustrations

A Guide to Meaningful Engagement

Industries that drive economic growth and support our comfortable modern lifestyles have exploited natural resources to do so. But now there’s growing understanding that business can benefit from a better relationship with the environment....

280 pages
6 x 9
20 photos

Design in an Age of Urban Migration, Demographic Change, and a Disappearing Middle Class

How we design our cities over the next four decades will be critical for our planet. If we continue to spill excessive greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, we will run out of time to keep our global temperature from increasing. Since approximately...

240 pages
6 x 9
20 photos, 20 illustrations

Strategies for Responding to Devastating Storms and Rising Seas

“This is a timely book… [It] should be mandatory reading..." — Minnesota Star Tribune More severe storms and rising seas will inexorably push the American coastline inland with profound impact on communities...

408 pages
7 x 10
20 illustrations

Save Money, Improve Health, and Reduce Environmental Impacts

Your building has the potential to change the world. Existing buildings consume approximately 40 percent of the energy and emit nearly half of the carbon dioxide in the US each year. In recognition of the significant contribution of buildings to...

232 pages
6 x 9
15 photos, 15 illustrations
