Climate Change - The IPCC Response Strategies
Note to the Reader
PART I. Policymakers Summary of the Response Strategies Working Group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Working Group iii)
-Chairman's Introduction
-Executive Summary
-Formulation of Response Strategies
-Annex I - Legal and Institutional Mechanisms
-Possible Elements for Inclusion in a Framework Convention on Climate Change
PART II. IPCC Response Strategies Working Group Reports
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Emissions Scenarios
Chapter 3. Energy and Industry
Chapter 4. Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Human Activities
Chapter 5. Coastal Zone Management
Chapter 6. Resource Use and Management
Chapter 7. Public Education and Information Mechanisms
Chapter 8. Technology Development and Transfer
Chapter 9. Economic (Market) Measures
Chapter 10. Financial Mechanisms
Chapter 11. Legal and Institutional Mechanisms
List of Acronyms and Chemical Symbols