
Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals

Community and public support are essential to the success of conservation and resource management programs. Often, the level of support received depends on whether or not the goals and importance of the program have been clearly explained to the...

367 pages
6 x 9

Menominee Tribal Enterprises Sustainable Forestry To Improve Forest Health And Create Jobs

Catherine M. Mater

"The Menominee Tribe has lived in northeast Wisconsin and on Michigan's Upper Peninsula for generations, where ancestral tribal lands once encompassed more than 10 million acres. Following several treaties and land cessions, the...

19 pages
9 x 11

Scientific Foundations Of Regional Reserve Networks

The Wildlands Project is a far-reaching effort by scientists and activists to develop better ways of protecting nature, wilderness, and biodiversity. Its ultimate goal is to establish an effective network of nature reserves throughout North...

238 pages
6 x 9

Disasters and Democracy
The Politics Of Extreme Natural Events

In recent years, the number of presidential declarations of “major disasters” has skyrocketed. Such declarations make stricken areas eligible for federal emergency relief funds that greatly reduce their costs. But is federalizing the...

344 pages
6 x 9

Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Cracids 2000-2004

IUCN/SSC Cracid Specialist Group

190 pages
8.8 x 11

Consumption, Culture, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Edited by Roger Rosenblatt

Consider this paradox: Ecologists estimate that it would take three planets Earth to provide an American standard of living to the entire world. Yet it is that standard of living to which the whole world aspires.

In Consuming Desires,...

238 pages
6 x 9

Ecology, Ethics, and Economics

Edited by Charles J. Kibert; Foreword by Alex Wilson

Because of the profound effects of the built environment on the availability of natural resources for future generations, those involved with designing, creating, operating, renovating, and demolishing human structures have a vital role to play...

378 pages
6 x 9

Managing Tourism Growth
Issues And Applications

Tourism is by many measures the world's largest and fastest growing industry, and it provides myriad benefits to hosts and visitors alike. Yet if poorly managed, tourism can have serious negative impacts on tourist communities-their environment,...

316 pages
7 x 10

How The Best Businesses Boost Profits And Productivity By Cutting Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

Despite ongoing negotiations, consensus has not yet been reached on what action will be taken to combat global warming. A number of companies have looked beyond the current stalemate to see the prospect of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions not as...

287 pages
6 x 9
