
Stewardship Across Boundaries

Every piece of land, no matter how remote or untrammeled, has a boundary. While sometimes boundary lines follow topographic or biological features, more often they follow the straight lines of political dictate and compromise. Administrative...

382 pages
6 x 9

An Affair with Africa: Expeditions and Adventures Across a Continent by Alzada Carlisle Kistner | An Island Press book
Expeditions and Adventures Across a Continent

In June 1960, a young faculty wife named Alzada Kistner and her husband David, a promising entomologist, left their 18-month old daughter in the care of relatives and began what was to be a four month scientific expedition in the Belgian Congo....

262 pages
5.5 x 8.25

My Thirty Years With National Geographic

National Geographic has been called a window on the world and a passport to adventure. Each month an estimated forty million people in 190 countries open its pages and are transported to exotic realms that delight the eye and mind. Such...

287 pages
6 x 9

Planning for Biodiversity
Issues And Examples

Sheila Peck

A significant consequence of the development of natural landscapes is habitat loss and fragmentation that results in widespread loss of biological diversity. While scientists have made great strides in determining principles and concepts...

232 pages
6 x 9

Wild Species as Commodities
Managing Markets And Ecosystems For Sustainability

Curtis Freese

In recent years, some policymakers and conservationists have argued that natural resources will be protected only if economic benefits accrue to those who are responsible for caring for the resources. Such commercial consumptive use of wild...

334 pages
6 x 9

The Global Commons
An Introduction

Vast areas of valuable resources unfettered by legal rights have, for centuries, been the central target of human exploitation and appropriation. The global commons -- Antarctica, the high seas and deep seabed minerals, the atmosphere, and space...

240 pages
6 x 9

With People in Mind
Design and Management of Everyday Nature

Some parks, preserves, and other natural areas serve people well; others are disappointing. Successful design and management requires knowledge of both people and environments.

With People in Mind explores how to design and manage areas...

239 pages
7 x 10
212 illustrations

Restoring Streams in Cities
A Guide for Planners, Policymakers, and Citizens

Conventional engineering solutions to problems of flooding and erosion are extremely destructive to natural environments. Restoring Streams in Cities presents viable alternatives to traditional practices that can be used both to repair...

448 pages
7 x 10

Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management
Concepts And Practices

Biliana Cicin-Sain and Robert Knecht; Foreword by Gunnar Kullenberg

Biliana Cicin-Sain and Robert W. Knecht are co-directors of the Center for the Study of Marine Policy at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware and co-authors of The Future of U.S. Ocean Policy (Island Press, 1998).

543 pages
7 x 10
