The Ecological Design and Planning Reader
632 pages
7 x 10
21 photos, 51 illustrations
632 pages
7 x 10
21 photos, 51 illustrations
From Henry David Thoreau to Rachel Carson, writers have long examined the effects of industrialization and its potential to permanently alter the world around them. Today, as we experience rapid global urbanization, pressures on the natural environment to accommodate our daily needs for food, work, shelter, and recreation are greatly intensified. Concerted efforts to balance human use with ecological concerns are needed now more than ever.
A rich body of literature on the effect of human actions on the natural environment provides a window into what we now refer to as ecological design and planning. The study and practice of ecological design and planning provide a promising way to manage change in the landscape so that human actions are more in tune with natural processes. In The Ecological Design and Planning Reader Professor Ndubisi offers refreshing insights into key themes that shape the theory and practice of ecological design and planning. He has assembled, synthesized, and framed selected seminal published scholarly works in the field from the past one hundred and fifty years——ranging from Ebenezer Howard’s Garden Cities of To-morrow to Anne Whiston Spirn’s, “Ecological Urbanism: A Framework for the Design of Resilient Cities.” The reader ends with a hopeful look forward, which suggests an agenda for future research and analysis in ecological design and planning.
This is the first volume to bring together classic and contemporary writings on the history, evolution, theory, methods, and exemplary practice of ecological design and planning. The collection provides students, scholars, researchers, and practitioners with a solid foundation for understanding the relationship between human systems and our natural environment.
"With these papers, Ndubisi presents a comprehensive treatment of the evolution of one of our most important planning concepts: that planning decisions should be based on an understanding of land and people as elements of an ecological system….The Ecological Design and Planning Reader will be valued by all planning and design students seeking a comprehensive grounding in their field. It is a fascinating historical document as well as an import contribution to the planning literature."
Journal of the American Planning Association
"This book is the most comprehensive assemblage ever attempted of published readings in the history, theory and practice of ecological planning and design. Although aimed at students and professionals, this volume contains wisdom of immense value to all of us who wish to inhabit the earth in a wise and permanent manner."
Robert Thayer, FASLA, FCELA, author of "LifePlace: Bioregional Thought and Practice"
"Dr. Ndubisi has curated a timely and thoughtful progression of classic to contemporary essays on the history, ethics, methods, and practices of ecological design. This diverse collection underscores the most significant challenge—and opportunity—of our era: to design within the ecologies that sustain us."
Nina-Marie E. Lister, Associate Professor, Ryerson University; Principal, Plandform
"Forster Ndubisi has assembled a truly impressive set of readings that will undoubtedly become the standard reference for anyone wanting to understand the history, theory and emerging practice in ecological design and planning. No other book provides such depth and comprehensive coverage, pulling together inspiring classics and leading-edge writing, expertly woven together with thoughtful introductions and commentary. This is an essential collection that must be read by every citizen, planner and mayor!"
Timothy Beatley, Author of "Biophilic Cities", "Resilient Cities", and "Blue Urbanism", Chair, Dept. of Urban and Environmental Planning and Professor, UVA School of Architecture
PART I: Historical Precedents
Introduction to Part I
Chapter 1. "Higher Laws," Walden (1854) \ Henry David Thoreau
Chapter 2. "Introduction" (excerpts), Man and Nature; or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action (1864) \ George Perkins Marsh
Chapter 3. "New Introduction" (2003), Man and Nature(1864)by George P. Marsh \ David Lowenthal
Chapter 4. "The Town-Country Magnet," Garden Cities of To-morrow (1898) \ Ebenezer Howard
Chapter 5. "The Study of Cities," Cities in Evolution: An Introduction to The Town Planning Movement and to the Study of Civics (1915) \ Patrick Geddes
Chapter 6. "Regional Planning and Ecology," Ecological Monographs (1940) \ Benton MacKaye,
Chapter 7. "Ecological Planning: Retrospect and Prospect," Landscape Journal (1988) \ Frederick Steiner, Gerald Young, and Ervin Zube
PART II: Ethical Foundations
Introduction to Part II
Chapter 9. "Man and the Environment," The Urban Condition (1963) \ Ian L. McHarg
Chapter 10. "The Land Ethic," A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches Here and There (1949) \ Aldo Leopold
Chapter 11. "The Obligation to Endure, Silent Spring (1962) \ Rachel Carson
Chapter 12. "Ethical Duties to the Environment," Ethical Land Use: Principles of Policy and Planning (1994) \ Timothy Beatley
Chapter 13. "Whither Conservation Ethics?," Beyond the Land Ethic: More Essays in Environmental Philosophy (1999) \ Baird J. Callicott
PART III: Substantive Theory
Introduction to Part III
Chapter 14. "Systems, Signs, Sensibilities: Sources for A New Landscape Aesthetic," Landscape Journal (1987) \ Catherine Howett
Chapter 15. "Open Space from Natural Processes," To Heal the Earth: Selected Writings of Ian L. McHarg (1998) \ Ian L. McHarg and Frederick Steiner
Chapter 16. "An Introduction to Ecological Design," Ecological Design (1996) \ Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan
Chapter 17. "The Strategy for Ecosystem Development," Science (1969) \ Eugene P. Odum
Chapter 18. "Foundations," Land Mosaics: the Ecology of Landscapes and Regions (1995) \ Richard T.T. Forman
PART IV: Procedural Theory
Introduction to Part IV
Chapter 19. "First Landscape-Suitability Approach," Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Synthesis (2002) \ Forster Ndubisi
Chapter 20. "How Human Ecosystems Work," Design for Human Ecosystems: Landscape, Land Use, and Natural Resources (1985) \ John T. Lyle
Chapter 21. "Ecological Principles and Guidelines for Managing The Use of Land," Ecological Applications (2000) \ Virginia H. Dale, Sandra Brown, R. A. Haeuber, N. T. Hobbs, Nancy Huntley, R. J. Naiman, W. E. Riebsame, M. G. Turner, and T. J. Valone
Chapter 22. "Basic Principles for Molding Land Mosaics," Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning Beyond the City (2008) \ Richard T.T. Forman
Chapter 23. "Introduction," Biodiversity Planning and Design: Sustainable Practices (2007) \ Jack Ahern, Elizabeth Leduc, and Mary L. York
PART V: Methods and Processes
Introduction to Part V
Chapter 24. "An Ecological Method for Landscape Architecture," Landscape Architecture (1967) \ Ian L. McHarg
Chapter 25. "Methods for Generating Land Suitability Maps: A Comparative Evaluation," Journal of the American Planning Association (1977) \ Lewis Hopkins
Chapter 26. "The Art of Site Planning," Site Planning (1984) \ Kevin Lynch and Gary Hack
Chapter 27. "Process," Urban Ecological Design: A Process for Regenerative Places (2011) \ Danilo Palazzo and Frederick Steiner
Chapter 28. "On Teaching Ecological Principles to Designers," Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning (2002) \ Carl Steinitz
Chapter 29. "Framing Land Use: A System Approach," Landscape Planning: Environmental Applications (2010) \ William M. Marsh
Chapter 30. "A Synthesis of Approaches to Ecological Planning," Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Synthesis (2002) \ Forster Ndubisi
PART VI: Dimensions of Practice
Introduction to Part VI
Chapter 31. "A Case Study in Ecological Planning: The Woodlands, TX," Planning the Uses and Management of Land (1979) \ Arthur Johnson and Jonathan Berger
Chapter 32. "Project Discussion: Aguas Claras, Belo Horinzonte," Toward Legacy: Design Workshop’s Pursuit of Ideals in Landscape Architecture, Planning, and Urban Design (2007) \ Design Workshop, Inc.
Chapter 33. "Foreword," Thesen Islands (2008) \ Chris Mulder
Chapter 34. "The Upper San Pedro River Basin," Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes: The Upper San Pedro River Basin in Arizona and Sonora (2003) \ Carl Steinitz, Hector Arias, Scott Bassett, Michael Flaxman, Tomas Goode, Thomas Maddock, David Mouat, Richard Peiser, and Allan Shearer
Chapter 35. "Reinvent the Good Earth: National Ecological Security Pattern, China," Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu (2012), edited by William Saunders \ Kongjian Yu
Chapter 36. "From Regional Planning to Site Design: The Application of Shan-Shui City Concept in Multi-Scale Landscape Planning of New Cities in China," International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Congress (2011) \ Jie Hu
Chapter 37. "Site: Building Through Ecological Planning," Toward A New Regionalism: Environmental Architecture in The Pacific Northwest (2005) \ David E .Miller
PART VII: Emerging Frameworks
Introduction to Part VII
Chapter 38. "What is an Ecological Footprint," Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on Earth (1996) \ Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees
Chapter 39. "The Region," The New Urbanism: Toward Architecture of Community (1994) \ Peter Calthorpe
Chapter 40. "Smart Growth: Why We Discuss It More Than We Do It," Journal of the American Planning Association (2005) \ Anthony Downs
Chapter 41. "Landscape Ecological Urbanism: Origins and Trajectories," Landscape and Urban Planning (2011) \ Frederick Steiner
Chapter 42. "Ecological Resilience as a Foundation for Urban Design and Sustainability," Resiliency in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities (2013) \ Jianguo Wu and Tong Wu
Chapter 43. "Ecological Urbanism: A Framework for the Design of Resilient Cities" (2014) \ Anne Whiston Spirn
Conclusion: Maintaining Adaptive and Regenerative Places
Copyright Information
Forster Ndubisi was the editor of The Ecological Design and Planning Reader and will be remembered as a kind, unique leader in landscape architecture.
From the Texas A&M School of Architecture:
Forster Ndubisi, widely lauded as a transformative leader in landscape architecture research and education who served as a department head at the Texas A&M College of Architecture from 2004–2016, passed away March 4, 2022, after a lengthy illness.
His survivors include his wife, June Martin, a Texas A&M associate instructional professor of urban planning. Information about funeral services was not immediately available.
“Ndubisi is a permanent icon in the field of landscape architecture,” said Galen Newman, interim head of the Texas A&M Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.
“He was a pioneer of ecological design and theoretical thinking, an irreplaceable, unique, knowledgeable, deep thinker who was loved by many. He was a wonderful mentor, teacher, colleague, friend — a great man.”
Ndubisi’s numerous awards and honors include his designation as a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects’ Council of Fellows, which recognizes exceptional leadership, knowledge and service in the field for a sustained period of time. Fellowship is one of the highest honors the ASLA bestows on its members.
As a department head, Ndubisi’s leadership and hires transformed LAUP into to the most research-productive department in the college and perhaps the most prolific landscape architecture program in the world, said Shannon Van Zandt, executive associate dean of the Texas A&M College of Architecture.