The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration Series

Restauración Ecológica

Restauración Ecológica

Principios, Valores y Estructura de una Profesión Emergente

Publicado originalmente en 2007, Restauración Ecológica se volvió uno de los libros seminales en su campo. En esta segunda versión totalmente revisada y reorganizada, dos de los líderes en restauración ecológica presentan y comentan los nuevos desarrollos y tendencias en este campo emergente.

Restauração Ecológica

Restauração Ecológica

Princípios, Valores e Estrutura de uma Profissão Emergente

Publicado originalmente em 2007, Restauração Ecológica se tornou um livro seminal em seu campo. Esta edição completamente revisada e reorganizada apresenta desenvolvimentos e tendências atuais no campo por dois dos líderes mundiais em restauração ecológica.

Foundations of Restoration Ecology, Second Edition by Margaret A. Palmer, Joy B. Zedler, and Donald A. Falk | An Island Press book

Foundations of Restoration Ecology

The practice of ecological restoration, firmly grounded in the science of restoration ecology, provides governments, organizations, and landowners a means to halt degradation and restore function and resilience to ecosystems stressed by climate change and other pressures on the natural world. Foundational theory is a critical component of the underlying science, providing valuable insights into restoring ecological systems effectively and understanding why some efforts to restore systems can fail.

Restoring Neighborhood Streams

Planning, Design, and Construction

Thirty years ago, the best thinking on urban stream management prescribed cement as the solution to flooding and other problems of people and flowing water forced into close proximity. Urban streams were perceived as little more than flood control devices designed to hurry water through cities and neighborhoods with scant thought for aesthetics or ecological considerations. Stream restoration pioneers like hydrologist Ann Riley thought differently.

Wildlife Restoration

Techniques for Habitat Analysis and Animal Monitoring

Wildlife Restoration links restoration ecology and wildlife management in an accessible and comprehensive guide to restoring wildlife and the habitats upon which they depend. It offers readers a thorough overview of the types of information needed in planning a wildlife-habitat restoration project and provides the basic tools necessary for developing and implementing a rigorous monitoring program.

Ex Situ Plant Conservation

Supporting Species Survival In The Wild

Faced with widespread and devastating loss of biodiversity in wild habitats, scientists have developed innovative strategies for studying and protecting targeted plant and animal species in "off-site" facilities such as botanic gardens and zoos. Such ex situ work is an increasingly important component of conservation and restoration efforts.

Ex Situ Plant Conservation, edited by Edward O.

Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration

Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration

Integrating Science, Nature, and Culture

When it comes to implementing successful ecological restoration projects, the social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions are often as important as-and sometimes more important than-technical or biophysical knowledge.

Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration takes an interdisciplinary look at the myriad human aspects of ecological restoration. In twenty-six chapters written by experts from around the world, it provides practical and theoretical information, analysis, models, and guidelines for optimizing human involvement in restoration projects.

The Historical Ecology Handbook

The Historical Ecology Handbook

A Restorationist's Guide to Reference Ecosystems

The Historical Ecology Handbook makes essential connections between past and future ecosystems, bringing together leading experts to offer a much-needed introduction to the field of historical ecology and its practical application by on-the-ground restorationists.

Chapters present individual techniques focusing on both culturally derived evidence and biological records, with each chapter offering essential background, tools, and resources needed for using the technique in a restoration effort.

A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration

A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration

New Hope for Arid Lands

Dryland degradation and desertification now affect almost a billion people around the world. Tragically, the biological resources and productivity of millions of acres of land are lost to desertification each year because people remain unaware of strategies and techniques that could improve yields, reduce risk, and begin healing the world's deserts.

Ecological Restoration, Second Edition

Principles, Values, and Structure of an Emerging Profession

Ecological restoration is a rapidly growing discipline that encompasses a wide range of activities and brings together practitioners and theoreticians from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, ranging from volunteer backyard restorationists to highly trained academic scientists and professional consultants. This book offers a comprehensive and coherent account of the field for everyone who initiates, finances, designs, administers, issues government permits for, manages, and implements ecological restoration projects, and all those who serve in supportive roles.
