"Make no mistake about it, the clock is running out on the Chesapeake. In Turning the Tide, Tom Horton and William Eichbaum tell us in the clearest possible terms what is happening to the bay and what is to be done about it. More than a status report, what we have here is a thoughtful and well-documented call to action."
William W. Warner, author of "Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs, and the Chesapeake Bay"
"Turning the Tide is an exciting book, rich in information and insights on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. One of the world's richest estuaries, the Chesapeake is a 'protein factory.' When healthy, it produces almost as much protein as the Mediterranean Sea. The purpose of this book, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation which sponsored it, is to build support for restoring the bay's health."
Lester R. Brown, President, Worldwatch Institute
"Turning the Tide is a fascinating checkup of the health of our beloved Chesapeake Bay. It gives us reason for hope—and for moving with dispatch to tackle the many ills that still plague this wondrous waterway."
Gilbert M. Grosvenor, President and Chairman, National Geographic Society