Webinar: Global Street Design Guide
December 12, 2016; 10:00 AM EST & 8:00 PM EST (2 sessions)
Each year, 1.2 million people die from traffic fatalities, highlighting the need to design streets that offer safe and sustainable mobility choices for all people. Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Global Street Design Guide (GSDG) offers the first-ever worldwide standards for designing city streets and prioritizing safety, pedestrians, transit, and sustainable transportation. GSDG is a timely resource that sets a global baseline for designing streets and public spaces and redefines the role of streets in a rapidly urbanizing world.
Join us for a discussion about how the tools and strategies defined in GSDG can be put to use in your city. The authors of GSDG will be joined by global experts, who have contributed global case studies to the Guide, to examine how urban streets can improve access, safety, mobility for all users, environmental quality, economic benefit, public health, and overall quality of life.
Register for one of the following two sessions to Change Streets to Change the World!
Session 1
10:00 AM EST https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4655605289546211841
Session 2
8:00 PM EST https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4069403963732345601