Jeffrey Peterson | An Island Press author

Webinar: A New Coast: Strategies for Responding to Devastating Storms and Rising Seas

Thursday, 13 February 2020 - 1:00pm

Due to climate change, devastating storms and sea level rise will increasingly threaten vibrant communities, critical infrastructure, and vital natural systems. In this webinar, A New Coast author Jeffrey Peterson will present actionable policy guidance for how governments, businesses, and engaged citizens can work together to prepare for a changing coast.

Proposals include gradually phasing out incentives for remaining in areas vulnerable to sea level rise (e.g., coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program), implementing a national permit program to limit building in areas destined to become wetlands or ocean, and a requirement for posting bond to cover costs of removing structures prior to sea level inundation. The final proposal is a comprehensive national program to support an effective response to the short and long-term challenges of worsening storms and sea level rise, as well as an outline of the steps needed to make a national program a reality.

Co-sponsors: NOAA National MPA Center and OCTO (MPA News, OpenChannels, EBM Tools Network)