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A Visit to Peru's Potato Park

For a quarter century, the breed of ethnobotanists I've hung with have proposed through countless lectures and publications that crop diversity can best conserved in situ, in the cultural landscapes managed by the traditional farmers who have long been its stewards. Now, in the highlands of Peru, a dream has come true, one that would have made the late Russian crop conservationist Nikolay Vavilov giddy with delight. Vavilov himself visited the Andes some seventy years ago, during an era when there was no "formal" in situ conservation for potatoes anywhere in the world.
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Conservationists Become Ranchers

In June 2006, 49 heifers were delivered to The Quivira Coalition's ranch on the 36,000-acre Valle Grande allotment on the Santa Fe National Forest atop Rowe Mesa, southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico. They were the first installment of what would become a 124-head herd of heifers, plus three Corriente bulls, all under our "Valle Grande" brand, and all under our management. And just like that, a bunch of conservationists became ranchers.
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The Future of Ecological Restoration

Ecological restoration is an increasingly important part of the discussion among all of us who are concerned about the global environment. There is a steady stream of news about restoration initiatives around the world— an inspiring groundswell of interest in the possibilities that restoration can offer.
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Conservation and Restoration in Bloom

Here in lovely northern California, where I work from a home office, the poppies are finally in bloom, scattering their cheerful yellow flowers generously across the main meadow. These days, the path to the mailbox is a festival of color, as poppies mingle with deep purple lupines, pale yellow buttercups, and new green grass just forming its seed. Permeating the air is the sweet fragrance of the white popcorn flowers—the essence of spring in this part of the Coast Range.
