
Plastic Soup Photos Illuminate Ocean Pollution

Plastics have transformed every aspect of our lives. Yet the very properties that make them attractive—they are cheap to make, light, and durable—spell disaster when trash makes its way into the environment. Recent bans on single-use straws and bags have increased awareness of this issue. But, for most people, the full extent of our plastic problem is difficult to grasp.

Life-changing Chemicals

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in green, with human cell, grey.
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Field Notes from Loreto

Puerto Escondido, south of Loreto. Photo by Heather Leslie.
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Governor Parnell Can’t See the Trees for the Rainforest

Containing about one-third of the world’s coastal old-growth rainforests, the Tongass is the “crown jewel” of the National Forest System. Its pristine rivers produce more salmon than any other place on earth. The regional economy is tied to the health of this fishery and wildlife, which in turn, depends on how the Tongass rainforest is managed.
