
Corrupt and Ineffective Development Investment

After some seven decades of mixed results in development assistance, there is a growing consensus that the greatest challenge is governance—in both the recipient and the donor countries.

The Count: Tracking a Formerly Endangered Species

They went into the muslin bags easily as we freed them one by one from under the heavy net. Some were stunned, frozen, immobile; others struggled between the strands, exploding with powerful wings when handled. I was a tag-along, a newbie, an invited guest to this fall ritual of trapping, counting, banding, and collaring Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia), an annual joint venture between the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).

Disarming objections to parking pricing

Since the beginning of time, parkers have argued that they should park free. Yet the economic justifications for pricing are well documented - pricing leads to more efficient parking use and a multimodal transportation system. Many arguments against pricing don’t hold up to scrutiny. I have been chronicling them in my work with local stakeholders over three decades. This blog post summarizes the top five arguments I’ve encountered and provides responses that are useful in the heat of the battle.
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#ForewordFriday: State of the World Edition

If you're the kind of person who eagerly awaits the annual State of the Union speech, we have just what you need to tide you over until next January. State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability marks the 40th anniversary of Worldwatch Institute, one of the leading environmental think tanks. This year's book analyzes government structures on every scale, how they are—or aren't—addressing sustainability issues, and how they can be improved.
