
"All About the Relationship:" A Q&A with Lucy Moore

Despite more than 100 years of stewardship and protection from agencies like the National Park Service, America’s wild places are still vulnerable to commercial and residential land development. In the Grand Canyon, uranium mining and increasing rates of tourism not only threaten land and air quality, they also undermine a social balance that Native Americans and other local groups have worked hard to maintain.

Meet the Author: Q & A with ... Jan Gehl!

Editor's note: One of the perks of working at Island Press is being able to talk with the scientists, planners, and other people tackling environmental problems. So today we're beginning a new series to introduce you to some of the authors behind our books by sharing Q & As we've conducted over the past several years. We hope you enjoy! If there's anyone you'd particularly like to hear from, leave a comment and we'll see what we can do.
