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Sustainable Streets are Safe Streets

Sustainability is often approached as a technical challenge, something we “should” do, for the good of the planet and for the good of the next generation. But a push toward a more environmentally responsible future will not happen unless we care deeply. Such an emotional connection comes naturally only when an activity sustains us, right now.
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Complete Streets: Changing Design AND Decisions around the Nation

The stories of success keep rolling in. Portland Maine turned summer maintenance projects into Complete Streets improvement opportunities. Detroit’s Woodward Avenue will be redesigned as a major transit corridor, while Lansing has received the state’s first counterflow bicycle lane, courtesy of MIDOT. And Helena, Montana is requiring sidewalks in new subdivisions.
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Contrasting Two Models of How Places Survive

Two September experiences reminded me of the strength and fragility of urban places, and the inherent ironies of surviving town forms. One such experience was here, at home, while preparing for a keynote address in New Hampshire scheduled for later this month. The other was on the road in southern France.
