
Grand Canyon/Photo Credit: Becca Bright

Backpacking the Arizona Trail with Jason Mark

Here at Island Press, I spend much of my time reading about our authors’ work in wild and remote places from the confines of a desk chair. So last May, I jumped at the chance to venture away from the office on a backpacking trip with Jason Mark, author of Satellites in the High Country, and the winners of our Keep It Wild sweepstakes contest.

The Most Depressing Talk I Ever Heard

Conservation for Cities author Rob McDonald reflects on a comment he received after giving a lecture at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. Two weeks ago I was lucky enough to give a lecture at the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale entitled "What Does Nature Have to Offer Cities During the Coming Massive Urbanization?" It was


Have humans really tamed every inch of the world? On our overheated and overcrowded planet, are wild places now extinct? 
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Rants from the Hill: Scout's honor

How I earned the excommunication merit badge. “Rants from the Hill” is cross-posted from High Country News One of Henry Thoreau’s many prose lines of pure poetry (his poetry, by contrast, is as prosaic as the side of a milk carton) sings that “the bluebird carries the sky on his back.” It is a line almost as lovely as the bird itself. The mountain bluebird, which is the state bird of Nevada, is a year-round neighbor here on the Ranting Hill.
