Dan Parolek | An Island Press author

Daniel G. Parolek

Dan Parolek, Founding Principal of Opticos Design, is one of the foremost urban designers and architects working to meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. He is co-author of Form-Based Codes.

Smart Growth Network Webinar -- Missing Middle Housing (July 2021)

Major housing shortages continue to affect communities in the U.S. and abroad. Many well-intended planning efforts seeking to address this problem are failing to deliver high-quality results, even when they’re aimed at filling the gap of “missing middle housing” in cities and towns.

Webinar: Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today’s Housing Crisis

Across the country, people are looking for housing options that shape affordable, walkable, and desirable neighborhoods. Daniel Parolek inspired a new movement for housing choice in 2010 when he coined the term “Missing Middle Housing,” a transformative concept that highlights a way to provide more housing and housing choices in sustainable, walkable places. This housing type includes a range of house-scale building with multiple units compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes.

Planning, Zoning and Legislation to Enable Missing Middle Housing

The mismatch between the types of housing currently available and the types that people need is especially apparent here in the Bay Area, with its soaring housing prices, overwhelming rent burdens and indomitable homelessness crisis. But across the country, people are looking for housing options that shape affordable, walkable and desirable neighborhoods. Enter missing middle housing, such as duplexes and fourplexes.