Ilana Preuss | An Island Press Author

Ilana Preuss

Ilana is the Founder & CEO of Recast City. She is the co-author of Discovering Your Maker Economy and Made in PLACE: Small-scale manufacturing & neighborhood revitalization, and a chapter author for Creative Placemaking and Sustainable Nation. She is a TEDx speaker on, “The Economic Power of Great Places,” and a featured keynote speaker.
Preuss’ passion for great places grew out of her experience working with big and small cities all over the country when she led the technical assistance program at the U.S. EPA Smart Growth Program, and as the Vice President & Chief of Staff at Smart Growth America. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Urban and Regional Studies from Cornell University and a Masters of City Planning from the University of Maryland.
When Preuss is not working with a city or coaching a community leader, she can be found cooking up a storm with her two amazing teens. She lives in Maryland, always hunts down the local chocolate production business when onsite for a project, and still sings along to all 80’s music with her husband and two kids.

Recast Your City: How to Save Your Downtown with Small-Scale Manufacturing by Ilana Preuss | An Island Press book

Recast Your City

How to Save Your Downtown with Small-Scale Manufacturing

Too many U.S. cities and towns have been focused on a model of economic development that relies on recruiting one big company (such as Amazon), a single industry (usually in technology), or pursuing other narrow or short-term fixes that are inequitable and unsustainable. Some cities and towns were changing, even before the historic retail collapse brought on by COVID-19. They started to shift to a new economic model that works with the community to invest in place in an inclusive and thoughtful way, with short-term wins that build momentum for long-term growth.