Jarrett Walker | An Island Press author

Jarrett Walker

Jarrett Walker, PhD, is an international consultant in public transit network design and policy. He is Founder of the consulting firm Jarrett Walker + Associates, and also writes the blog HumanTransit.org, whose Basics section contains many useful articles explaining public transit concepts.

Jarrett Walker Podcast: Elephants, Wine, & the Century of Transit

Public transit consultant and author Jarrett Walker uses the metaphor of the elephant and the wine glass to talk about the things we know are true about space in cities. Interview from The Rail~Volution podcast featuring the plenary conversation at Rail~Volution 2018 in Pittsburgh.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Paris: The Triumph of the Bus Stop

Do you think bus service is never as “permanent” as rail service?  Well, it depends on how much infrastructure you build, and how proudly it announces the bus service as an essential part of the cityscape, both as icon and as opportunity.

Who Is Not in the Room? (A Question for 2016)

So we all want to write New Years posts about resolutions we should make — mostly resolutions we could have made last year and will probably make again next year.