Jason Beske | An Island Press Author

Jason Beske

Jason Beske, AICP, is an urban planner and urban designer with public and private experience and a frequent speaker and instructor at planning conferences. 

Webinar: Saving Our Suburbs (Part 2) -- How to Seize Emerging Opportunities

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 - 1:00pm EST
In the first of three webinars, urbanist Chris Leinberger joined us to discuss how suburbs are building walkable urban places to become more Successful in response to dramatically shifting demographics, a growing knowledge economy, and disruptive technologies. 

WEBINAR Saving Our Suburbs (Part 1): How to Create Successful Suburbs

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 12:00pm EST
The formulas that guided suburban growth for more than 60 years no longer work. How can suburbs adapt to increasingly complex social, economic, fiscal, and environmental demands? What new approaches can help them secure their futures?