
ForewordFriday: Understanding Fragmentation

Migrating wildlife species across the globe face a dire predicament as their traditional migratory routes are cut off by human encroachment. Forced into smaller and smaller patches of habitat, they must compete more aggressively for dwindling food resources and territory. This is more than just an unfortunate side effect of human progress. As key species populations dwindle, ecosystems are losing resilience and face collapse, and along with them, the ecosystem services we depend on. Healthy ecosystems need healthy wildlife populations. One possible answer?

#ForewordFriday: Religion Edition

What does religion have to do with the environment? Let John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker explain in their must-read book, Ecology and Religion. Grim and Tucker argue that the engagement of religious communities is necessary if humanity is to sustain itself and the planet. As the Pope wraps up his visit to the US, check out this important text on the burgeoning field of religious ecology.