
WCPA Working Group on Cave and Karst Protection

Cave and karst landforms are distributed widely around the world. They have many values and are an integral component of the world's biodiversity. Some are habitats for a wide range of endemic species of flora and fauna, while others house...

63 pages
7 x 10

The Science Of Ecosytem Management

Edited by Kathryn A. Kohm and Jerry F. Franklin; Foreword by Jack Ward Thomas

Over the past decade, a sea change has occurred in the field of forestry. A vastly increased understanding of how ecological systems function has transformed the science from one focused on simplifying systems, producing wood, and managing at the...

496 pages
8 x 10
One 16-page color insert

The Rain Forests of Home
Profile Of A North American Bioregion

Edited by Peter Schoonmaker, Bettina Von Hagen, and Edward C. Wolf; Forewords by Jerry F. Franklin and Patricia Marchak

Stretching from the redwoods of California to the vast stands of spruce and hemlock in southeast Alaska, coastal temperate rain forests have been for thousands of years home to one of the highest densities of human settlements on the continent....

447 pages
7 x 10

Reinventing Electric Utilities
Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power

Edward Smeloff and Peter Asmus; Foreword by Amory Lovins

Traditionally protected as monopolies, electric utilities are now being caught in the fervor for deregulation that is sweeping the country. Nearly forty states have enacted or are considering laws and regulations that will profoundly alter the...

254 pages
6 x 9

Why Do We Recycle?
Markets, Values, and Public Policy

The earnest warnings of an impending "solid waste crisis" that permeated the 1980s provided the impetus for the widespread adoption of municipal recycling programs. Since that time America has witnessed a remarkable rise in public participation...

222 pages
6 x 9

The developed countries, particularly the United States, consume a disproportionate share of the world's resources, yet high and rising levels of consumption do not necessarily lead to greater satisfaction, security, or well-being, even for...

423 pages
6 x 9

Traces of an Omnivore

Paul Shepard is one of the most profound and original thinkers of our time. He has helped define the field of human ecology, and has played a vital role in the development of what have come to be known as environmental philosophy, ecophilosophy,...

255 pages
6 x 9

Rights to Nature
Ecological, Economic, Cultural, and Political Principles of Institutions for the Environment

Edited by Susan Hanna, Carl Folke, and Karl-Goran Maler; Foreword by Kenneth Arrow

Property rights are a tool humans use in regulating their use of natural resources. Understanding how rights to resources are assigned and how they are controlled is critical to designing and implementing effective strategies for environmental...

313 pages
6 x 9

Wenche Dramstad, James D. Olson, and Richard T.T. Forman

Landscape ecology has emerged in the past decade as an important and useful tool for land-use planners and landscape architects. While professionals and scholars have begun to incorporate aspects of this new field into their work, there remains a...

80 pages
7 x 9
16 photos, 86 illustrations
