"Despite its relative brevity, the book is successful in disentangling the complex web of interactions that characterizes the water-food-energy-climate nexus...The brief, factual examination of the socioeconomic implications of current water usage trends in many sectors of the world economy is nicely complemented by commentaries from academic experts, business leaders, and public officials...In presenting multiple perspectives the book provides a broad and diverse set of opinions, which is appropriate for an undergraduate audience or for readers looking for a point of entry into the pressing issue of global freshwater management."
"Island Press editors have achieved a nearly impossible task....The World Economic Forum Water Initiative and Island Press is to be congratulated for raising awareness of complex and interdependent future water needs and the impacts on economic and social security if these needs are not met."
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
"It is a book written by a committee, but it gets the story right. Even its title makes the case that water, food, and energy are woven together inextricably to form the very web that sustains human existence."