Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities by Veronica Davis | An Island Press book

Episode 1: Gender, Mobility, and Racial Identity: The American Diaspora

Thursday, 22 February 2024 - 10:30am

Women Mobilize Women is excited to invite you to the first episode “Gender, Mobility, and Racial Identity: The American Diaspora” of our new webinar series with Mobycon!

The intersection of identities and experiences produces different perspectives of mobility for different people. As a result, a gender sensitive mobility transition is about more than one’s identified gender, impacted also by one’s age, ability, economic access, and geographic location, among a myriad other intersectionalities. In this webinar series, we will dive into topics that surround the intersectionality of gender and mobility over a series of 30 minute episodes featuring prominent voices in the mobility sector. Understanding these differences is an important step to creating an equitable and gender responsive mobility system, and through a series of discussions with global advocates, professionals, and leaders, we will explore these differences to expand not only our own perceptions, but those of the broader mobility sector.

Join Episode 1 "Gender, Mobility, and Racial Identity: The American Diaspora"!

Gender and mobility is not a binary experience. One’s race impacts their experience, and understanding the limitations and barriers is a key way to address concerns, find gender responsive solutions, and ultimately move forward a more equitable access to transport.

In this episode, host Melissa speaks with Tamika Butler, Founder + Principal at tamika l. butler consulting, and Veronica Davis, Engineer and Author of "Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities", discussing the experiences of the American diaspora and hopefully spark further global conversations. The webinar will focus on how, beyond gender, racial identity impacts ones experience of mobility, from issues such are increased fear and experiences of violence, persecution, and exclusion, to considerations around cost, access, comfort reporting incidents of (gender-based) violence.

Save the date and join us for this enriching 30-minute discussion on February 22nd.

Let's amplify diverse perspectives and foster inclusive conversations in the world of mobility