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The Cougar Conundrum: Sharing the World with a Successful Predator by Mark Elbroch | An Island Press book "The book…is perfect for wildlife biologists, the general public, and nature enthusiasts, especially those who want to learn how to live successfully with a large carnivore that has been given an unduly bad rap for being dangerous around people…This is an important book."
Canadian Field Naturalist

"Elbroch takes readers on a tour of cougar biology and ecology, emphasizing how important the big cats are to the ecosystem...Policymakers, conservationists, and hunters alike will find this a useful, if sometimes controversial, handbook."
Kirkus Reviews

"This is an enlightening book that provides facts and hope for this animal’s future."
Wildlife Activist

"This is a well-illustrated and very readable book that explores a range of different perspectives on the challenges of living with the cougar...."
Conservation Biology

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