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Dale D. Goble

Dale D. Goble is Professor Emeritus of Law (formerly University Distinguished Professor and Margaret Wilson Schimke Distinguished Professor of Law) at the University of Idaho, where his teaching and research have focused on the intersection of natural resource law and policy, constitutional law, and history. He has written numerous articles and essays.  His books include Wildlife Law: Cases and Materials (with Eric Freyfogle); two edited volumes on the Endangered Species Act (Island Press 2005, 2006, with coeditors); and an edited volume (with Paul W. Hirt), Northwest Lands, Northwest Peoples: Readings in Environmental History (University of Washington Press 1999).

Wildlife Law, Second Edition

A Primer

Wildlife is an important and cherished element of our natural heritage in the United States. But state and federal laws governing the ways we interact with wildlife can be complex to interpret and apply. Ten years ago, Wildlife Law: A Primer was the first book to lucidly explain wildlife law for readers with little or no legal training who needed to understand its intricacies.

The Endangered Species Act at Thirty

The Endangered Species Act at Thirty

Vol. 2: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes

A companion volume to The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Renewing the Conservation Promise, this book examines the key policy tools available for protecting biodiversity in the United States by revisiting some basic questions in conservation: What are we trying to protect and why? What are the limits of species-based conservation? Can we develop new conservation strategies that are more ecologically and economically viable than past approaches?

The Endangered Species Act at Thirty

The Endangered Species Act at Thirty

Vol. 1: Renewing the Conservation Promise

The Endangered Species Act at Thirty is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary review of issues surrounding the Endangered Species Act, with a specific focus on the act's actual implementation record over the past thirty years.