Jason Corburn | An Island Press Author

Jason Corburn

Jason Corburn is a professor of urban planning and public health at UC Berkeley. He has published three single-authored books and edited two volumes. His single-authored books are: Street Science (MIT Press, 2005), Toward the Healthy City (MIT Press, 2009), and Healthy City Planning (Routledge, 2013). 

Cities for Life: How Communities Can Recover from Trauma and Rebuild for Health | An Island Press Book

Cities for Life: Ending the Urban Gun Violence Epidemic. - Jason Corburn, Prof. UC Berkeley

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 11:00am EDT
The presentation will describe the burden of gun violence on certain urban communities in the US and around the world. The WHO and US Centers for Disease Control have called gun violence an epidemic. Gun violence is a public health issue as it contributes to mortality and chronic trauma and ‘toxic stress,’ or the kind of anxiety and fear that adversely impacts our brains and bodies. Communities living with violence also fail to have a public sphere, as people are afraid to go outside, use parks and streets and civic life can break-down entirely. 

ASU Webinar: Cities for Life -- How Communities Can Recover from Trauma and Rebuild for Health

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 2:00pm EST
Jason Corburn is a professor of urban planning and public health at UC Berkeley. His new book, Cities for Life, investigates communities working to heal from trauma—from gun violence, housing and food insecurity, and poverty. In this talk, Corburn will discuss how cities can confront discriminatory, exclusionary, and racist urban institutions, and instead, promote healing-focused practices.