
#ForewordFriday: A Nourished Planet Edition

In Nourished Planet, the Danielle Nierenberg and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition offer a global plan for feeding ourselves sustainably. Drawing on the diverse experiences of renowned international experts, the book offers a truly planetary perspective. Essays and interviews showcase Hans Herren, Vandana Shiva, Alexander Mueller, and Pavan Suhkdev, among many others.

Saving More Than Seeds

Gene banks and seed vaults are saving and protecting crop seeds and the genetic diversity within crops, crop races, and some closely related species. There are some 1,700 gene and seed banks in the world with perhaps the most well-known being the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norway), but others include the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (Syria), Kew Millenium Seed Bank (UK), Global Crop Diversity Trust (Germany), and National Seed Storage Laboratory (USA). They are capable of storing and protecting many millions of species and crop cultivars.

#ForewordFriday: Spoiled, Rotten, and Left Behind

By 2050 we will have ten billion mouths to feed in a world profoundly altered by environmental change. How we meet this challenge will be the difference between food abundance and shortage, environmental preservation or destruction, and even life and death. We have the tools and ingenuity needed to achieve global food security—but the pursuit of a secure future begins with a clear understanding of the challenges facing our food system today.

A Big Enough Lens: The Making of How to Feed the World

Two and a half years ago, an idea for a book took shadowy form in the recesses of my mind. I envisioned tapping into the brilliant brains around me. Drawing them out of the depths of their academic morass, I would coax them into sharing their knowledge with the world. Together, we would translate their subject-area expertise into an objective, accessible, affordable primer on food and agricultural issues for the world.
