
PODCAST: How 2020 Will Impact Commercial Districts

Island Press is thrilled to announce that we are partnering with built environment platform TICCO on a new season of their Shaping Cities podcast! Over the course of the season, TICCO will feature Island Press authors, Urban Resilience Project contributors, and other innovators who are dedicated to making our cities sustainable and habitable long into the future.
Atlantic City. Photo by Tim Trad/Unsplash

Talking Headways Podcast: Designing the Megaregion

Jonathan Barnett, emeritus professor of Practice in City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania, joined Jeff Wood of Talking Headways on June 11, 2020. They discussed his new book, Designing the Megaregion: Meeting Urban Challenges at a New Scale. Barnett chats about where the idea of megaregions came from, environmental planning within the landscape, the importance of transit connections in these regions, and how we can coordinate megaregions administratively.

Q&A with Urban Planner Lisa Nisenson

Urban planner Lisa Nisenson answers questions from the final webinar of our Saving Our Suburbs series with the authors of Suburban Remix.
