
On Interning at Island Press: It Takes a Team

Once upon a time, I was sure that I wanted to be an editor. I always liked reading and polishing people’s stories. It felt right to shape up someone's work, to see its beginning and see it transform into a finished product. But, as any recent English grad out there can attest, landing an editorial anything is difficult. So I joined Island Press in the spring as a social media and web intern, and it was not at all what I expected.

On Interning at Island Press: Spring with the Editors

My internship was a genuine peek into the meticulous field of publishing. I always had proper guidance and was never afraid to ask questions, which makes the office such a great place for learning.

On Interning at Island Press: Instilling Environmental Passion

As I approached the end of my third year of college, I knew it was time to gain real experience in marketing and publicity. While searching for an internship, Island Press caught my eye because I have always had an interest in books and the environment. Even though I did not have any background in publishing, I can definitely confirm that the publicity internship at Island Press was the perfect fit for me.

On Interning at Island Press: Beyond the Office Doors

The graphic adaptation of Naturalist, renowned scientist E.O. Wilson’s autobiography, has been in the works a long time, long before my internship at Island Press. Stops and starts have kept the project from moving ahead such that Ed himself has turned almost 90 years old! When I arrived at Island Press for the summer, though, it looked like—due to the hard work of everyone on the project—the pace was picking up again.

On Interning at Island Press: I Made a Difference

I am an indecisive person. I tried almost every sport, dance, and hobby as a child. I inevitably quit all of them—except for one. Books. I love reading, and I love writing. For a good part of my life, I knew I wanted to work in the publishing industry, specifically publicity and marketing. Promoting authors while working on my own novels on the side seemed like a no-brainer. Then you-know-who became the president.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

On Interning at Island Press: An Opportunity to Learn

As I’m sure many English majors will attest, it can be difficult to find internship programs that are comprised of more than just coffee runs and busy work. Internships that provide educational experience as well as hands-on work experience can at times feel like a rarity. When I interviewed with the production department at Island Press, it was immediately clear that this would be an opportunity for both.

On Interning at Island Press: Lessons from Two Departments

While getting a book out to the right people in order to spread awareness of the important subjects discussed is an incredibly important part of Island Press’ mission statement, finding authors who exemplify Island Press’ desires to inspire change regarding environmental issues is both necessary and rewarding.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

On Interning at Island Press: Glad for Such an Opportunity

As a high school senior, I have not done any internships. After all, it is not really expected. However, I wanted to start the internship grind early. So, I thought, why not do an internship that combines two things I’m interested in: writing and the environment. Luckily, Island Press came onto my radar because my father has published a book with them before.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

On Interning at Island Press: Learning Never Ends

I thought that after graduating in May, I had a pretty well-rounded knowledge of what working in publishing would be like, but my summer here at Island Press has showed me that learning never ends.
