
#FOREWORDFRIDAY: Food on the Cheap

In this week's #ForewordFriday, hear the story of the straight-shooting “green economy cowboy” Bob Quinn in his own words. 

#ForewordFriday: A Nourished Planet Edition

In Nourished Planet, the Danielle Nierenberg and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition offer a global plan for feeding ourselves sustainably. Drawing on the diverse experiences of renowned international experts, the book offers a truly planetary perspective. Essays and interviews showcase Hans Herren, Vandana Shiva, Alexander Mueller, and Pavan Suhkdev, among many others.

#ForewordFriday: Spoiled, Rotten, and Left Behind

By 2050 we will have ten billion mouths to feed in a world profoundly altered by environmental change. How we meet this challenge will be the difference between food abundance and shortage, environmental preservation or destruction, and even life and death. We have the tools and ingenuity needed to achieve global food security—but the pursuit of a secure future begins with a clear understanding of the challenges facing our food system today.

#ForewordFriday: Food as a Social Enterprise

While researching No One Eats Alone, sociologist Michael Carolan interviewed more than 250 individuals, from flavorists to Fortune 500 executives, politicians to feedlot managers, low-income families to crop scientists, who play a role in the life of food. Advertising consultants told him of efforts to distance eaters and producers—most food firms don’t want their customers thinking about farm laborers or the people living downstream of processing plants.

#ForewordFriday: Biting the Hands that Feed Us

As a regular consumer of food, you would be reasonable to assume that food laws and agencies work to combat things like food waste, foodborne illness, inhumane livestock conditions, and disappearing fish stocks. However, some regulations do just the opposite.

#ForewordFriday: Thanksgiving Edition

As Thanksgiving approaches, take a moment to consider your food. Ask children where food comes from, and they’ll probably answer: “the supermarket.” Ask most adults, and their replies may not be much different. Where our foods are raised and what happens to them between farm and supermarket shelf have become mysteries. How did we become so disconnected from the sources of our breads, beef, cheeses, cereal, apples, and countless other foods that nourish us every day?