Biodiversity and the Law is a timely and provocative volume that combines historical perspective and cutting-edge legal analysis in an authoritative and broad discussion of biodiversity and the law. Leading legal and policy experts consider a variety of options for the worldwide protection of biodiversity and present a succinct but comprehensive overview of the legal mechanisms available. They examine how conservation advocates can better utilize existing law, and consider what new law is needed.
Among the topics considered are:
- scientific and policy foundations of biodiveristy protection
- domestic efforts to establish an effective endangered species protection regime
- international biodiversity protection
- biodiversity as a genuinely public entity
- the future of biodiversity law
PART I. Biodiversity Law: Where Science And Policy Meet
Chapter 1. Biodiversity Policy And Ecosystem Management
Chapter 2. Biodiversity As A Basis For Conservation Efforts
PART II. Biodiversity's Safety Net: Saving Endangered Species
Chapter 3. Biodiversity, Ecosystems, And Endangered Species
Chapter 4. Conservation Planning Under The Esa: A New Paradigm
Chapter 5. Biodiversity And Private Property: Conflict Or Opportunity?
PART III. International Protection: Beyond Human Boundaries
Chapter 6. Using Trade Measures To Protect Biodiversity
Chapter 7. Harmful Exotics In The United States
Chapter 8. Protecting Global Marine Biodiversity
Chapter 9. Biodiversity Conservation And International Instruments
PART IV. Who Owns What? A Public Trust For Biodiversity
Chapter 10. Can The Public Trust Doctrine Prevent Extinctions?
Chapter 11. Rediscovering Old Tools
Chapter 12. The Promise Of Nepa
Chapter 13. Wildlife's Burden
Chapter 14. Global Trade, Local Economies, And The Biodiversity Convention
Epilogue - The Argument For A Constitutional Amendment To Protect Living Nature
About The Contributors