
Lessons from Sustaining Phoenix

There exists a category of American cities in which the line between suburban and urban is almost impossible to locate. These suburban cities arose in the last half of twentieth-century America, based largely on the success of the single-family...

208 pages
6 x 9
25 illustrations, 15 photos

Strategies for Creating Life-Enhancing Landscapes

Can nature—in all its unruly wildness—be an integral part of creative landscape design? In her beautifully illustrated book, Wild by Design, award-winning designer Margie Ruddick urges designers to look beyond the rules often...

264 pages
8 x 9
Full color, 200 photos, 100 illustrations

Human Ecology: How Nature and Culture Shape Our World by Frederick R. Steiner | An Island Press book
How Nature and Culture Shape Our World

Humans have always been influenced by natural landscapes, and always will be—even as we create ever-larger cities and our developments fundamentally change the nature of the earth around us. In Human Ecology, noted city planner and...

256 pages
6 x 9
11 photos

Lessons from North of the Border

The headlines about cities celebrating their resurgence—with empty nesters and Millennials alike investing in our urban areas, moving away from car dependence, and demanding walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods. But, in reality,...

312 pages
6 x 9
30 illustrations

Natural History, Ecology, and the North Woods

John Pastor; Foreword by Bernd Heinrich

How long should a leaf live? When should blueberries ripen? And what should a clever moose eat? Questions like these may seem simple or downright strange—yet they form the backbone of natural history, a discipline that fostered...

336 pages
6 x 9
13 illustrations

Markets and the Environment, Second Edition by Sheila M. Olmstead and Nathaniel O. Keohane | An Island Press book

A clear grasp of economics is essential to understanding why environmental problems arise and how we can address them. So it is with good reason that Markets and the Environment has become a classic text in environmental studies since its...

328 pages
5.5 x 8.75
30 illustrations

Creating Businesses That Adapt and Flourish in a Changing World

As managers grapple with the challenges of climate change and volatility in a hyper-connected, global economy, they are paying increasing attention to their organization’s resilience—its capacity to survive, adapt, and flourish in the...

264 pages
6 x 9
34 illustrations

Inspiring Private and Public Entrepreneurship, Getting Projects Done, and Having Fun

There has been a revolution in urban transportation over the past five years—set off by start-ups across the US and internationally. Sleek, legible mobility platforms are connecting people to cars, trains, buses, and bikes as never before,...

256 pages
6 x 6
Full Color, 95 photos and illustrations

A Multi-Scale Approach

From New York City's urban forest and farmland in Virginia to the vast Sonoran Desert of Arizona and riverside parks in Vancouver, Washington, green infrastructure is becoming a priority for cities, counties, and states across America....

160 pages
8.5 x 11
80 photos, 67 illustrations
