"For many years I worked with Mike McCloskey and observed his admirable contributions to the advancement of the environmental movement. In the Thick of It will serve as a good reference for environmental historians."
Russell Peterson, former Chairman of the President's Council on Environmental Quality
"This is a readable, highly informative inside account of the rise of the environmental movement and most of its key battles in the second half of the 20th century. Michael McCloskey not only was 'in the thick of it,' his wisdom and strong leadership put him way out front."
Philip Shabecoff, former chief environmental correspondent at "The New York Times", author of "Earth Rising"
"Mike McCloskey launched me in my career when he persuaded me to come work for the Sierra Club part-time, and 'just for one year.' I never planned to stay, but his quiet leadership kept me at the Club until, eventually, I had the honor of succeeding him. He is the true architect of the modern Sierra Club and in many ways of the modern environmental advocacy movement, and In the Thick of It tells the story—a story I thought I knew, but of which the hidden twists and turns only became clear from Mike's book."
Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club
"Mike McCloskey may have done more to shape environmental policies in the last half century than any other individual. His memoir is not only an absorbing personal history, it traces the growth of the leading activist environmental organization and, to a large extent, the history of the entire movement in the United States."
Anne H. Ehrlich, Stanford University and coauthor of "One with Nineveh"
"For nearly fifty years, Michael McCloskey has been the wisest, most astute analyst of environmental policy in the Sierra Club…. In the Thick of It provides more than a personal view of one of environmentalism's steadiest thinkers and actors: it reveals the way environmentalism matured in the late twentieth century."
Michael P. Cohen, author of "The History of the Sierra Club: 1892 to 1970" and "The Pathless Way"