Naturalist – A Graphic Adaptation at Half Earth Day
E.O. Wilson’s passion for nature, discovery, and ideas that make us rethink the world is unmatched. When first published more than 25 years ago, Dr. Wilson’s memoir, Naturalist, was called “one of the finest scientific memoirs ever written” by the Los Angeles Times. Naturalist is an inspiring account of Wilson’s growth as a scientist and the evolution of the fields he helped define. The graphic edition (publication date November 6, 2020), adapted by Jim Ottaviani and illustrated by C.M. Butzer, brings Wilson’s childhood and celebrated career to life through dynamic full-color illustrations and Wilson’s own lyrical writing, inspiring next generation naturalists everywhere. Learn about the creative process from Dr. Wilson and the graphic adaptation team and hear from teachers who are excited to bring this fresh version to inspire a new generation of naturalists.
Edward O. Wilson, Honorary Curator in Entomology and University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, Chairman of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation Board of Advisors, and Chairman of the Half-Earth Council
Jim Ottaviani, Writer, Naturalist – A Graphic Adaptation
C.M. Butzer, Illustrator, Naturalist – A Graphic Adaptation
Rebecca Bright, Associate Editor and Subsidiary Rights Manager, Island Press
Tamara Jolly, High School Science Teacher, Baltimore City Public Schools
Lauren Genesky, English Teacher, North Carolina
With a special reading by Edward O. Wilson