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Reshaping Metropolitan America: Development Trends and Opportunities to 2030, includes an extensive Excel database of the US population, age and dependency ratios, household size and population, household type, householder age, housing tenure, housing units, space-occupying jobs and non-residential space, and the Reshape America Index. These numbers are included at the level of the nation, census regions and divisions, states including DC, combined statistical areas, metropolitan statistical areas, and micropolitcan statistical areas—a total of 1,132 geographic units. The database includes more than 200 numbers for each geographic unit, which are coded based on census protocols.
Baseline conditions are reported for 2010 and projected to 2030. Many projections are reproduced with permission from Woods & Poole Economics’ Complete Economic and Demographic Data 2012. Other demographic projections are based on census relationships in 2000 and/or 2010 applied to 2030. Housing development projections are based on census baseline data for 2000 and 2010 with estimates of net new housing units needed combined with housing units replaced derived from the American Housing Survey. Nonresidential development projections are estimated using the Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey for 2003 and its Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey for 2006 data for space consumption per worker and derived estimates of building lifespan by function. Projections are explained in the accompanying book, Reshaping Metropolitan America. As this is an electronic database, refinements may occur from time to time.
Disclaimer: The data in this spreadsheet that has been adapted from Woods & Poole Economics, Inc. (copyright 2011) is subject to its End User License Agreement including warranties, limitations and disclaimers (the End User License Agreement is provided at None of the data are authorized for use in legal or financial transactions. No warranties and/or representations of any kind are made regarding information or data provided. In no event, shall the author, publisher, Woods & Poole Economics, Inc., or their/its agents or any other person or entity be liable in any way to the users of this data. No party warrants or guarantees the data for any particular purpose.
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