Craig Stevenson

Craig Stevenson

Craig Stevenson, MBA, MS-MIS, CPHC, LFA, LEED AP, WELL Faculty, WELL AP, RESET AP, Fitwel Ambassador, DBIA 

Craig is President of AUROS Group, which is a technology company based in Pittsburgh, PA.  He is widely known for his role in establishing Pittsburgh as a leader in "Evidence-based Performance" for the built environment.  Evidence-based Performance uses technology to bridge the gap between "hoping" a building is performing as designed to "knowing" a building is meeting its performance goals.

Craig is credentialed in virtually all known building performance standards.  As a result, he focuses solely on owner's performance requirements for their building(s).  Using cutting-edge technology, Craig and his AUROS360 capabilities ensure owners balance building performance goals with construction costs and long-term operating costs.

Craig sits on the North American Passive House Network Board of Directors.  He is a founding member and Vice President of the Passive House Western Pennsylvania organization and sits on the City of Pittsburgh Clean Tech Roundtable and P4 Performance Measures Committee.  Craig is also a committee member with the AIA+2030 Committee on the Environment.

The Power of Existing Buildings

Save Money, Improve Health, and Reduce Environmental Impacts

Your building has the potential to change the world. Existing buildings consume approximately 40 percent of the energy and emit nearly half of the carbon dioxide in the US each year. In recognition of the significant contribution of buildings to climate change, the idea of building green has become increasingly popular. But is it enough? If an energy-efficient building is new construction, it may take 10 to 80 years to overcome the climate change impacts of the building process.