
Podcast: Life After Carbon Author Peter Plastrik

In the latest episode in our series of Urban Resilience Project (URP) podcasts in partnership with Infinite Earth Radio, host Mike Hancox speaks with Peter Plastrik about Life After Carbon, his new book on the next global transformation of cities in the era of climate change.

#ForewordFriday: Great Lakes Water Wars

This edition of The Great Lakes Water Wars is an engrossing, essential book for readers of the first edition and new readers alike.  

Determining When Trees Are Drought Stressed

Unlike most annual crops, the roots of long-lived trees can penetrate through soils to great depth to reach water (Figure 1).  If we can’t tell how deeply roots penetrate, how do we determine when trees run out of water?  One way is to monitor the moisture status of leaves and twigs, because these are connected through the sapwood in branches, stems, and roots to water deep underground.

A New (and Free!) e-book on urban resilience is here!

Resilience Matters is compilation of articles and op-eds advancing a holistic, transformative approach to thinking and action on urban resilience in the era of climate change, grounded in a commitment to sustainability and equity.

Climate Activists' Surprising Ally: France's Yellow Vests

A healthier planet requires an overhaul of our economic system, and workers collaborating with climate justice movements would be doubly powerful. But the connections between them aren’t widely known.

George H.W. Bush Put Environment Above Politics—We Must Too

The death of George H.W. Bush is cause to honor a man who made it possible for all Americans to breathe cleaner air. It also reminds us that partisan politics need not obstruct progress toward a healthier environment.

After Florence, Carolinians Know the Climate Is Changing

To build a resilient future, we must reckon with the fact that profound change is now inevitable. But that change is a beginning as well as an end—an opportunity to hit the “reset” button on how we live.
