
100% Renewables—for a Healthier California

Switching to clean, safe, renewable energy is one of the most important things we can do for the climate, for the health of our communities now, and for the health of future generations.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

#ForewordFriday: Energy Sprawl and Wildlife Conservation

A growing energy footprint requires careful thought about our world’s energy mix, but even a renewable energy future is not necessarily a green one. Many renewable energy sources have a large footprint which can threaten biodiversity and conservation. With rising energy demands around the world expected to convert one-fifth of remaining natural lands, is it possible to balance energy development with biodiversity protection?  

Trump is Wrong about Climate Change, and Jobs Too

Donald Trump rode to the White House promising to bring back jobs for working-class Americans. But dismantling federal efforts to address climate change will make it harder to deliver on that promise.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Trump’s Coal Delusions

During the second presidential debate on October 9, Republican presidential nominee (now President-Elect) Donald Trump claimed that “clean coal” could meet the energy needs of the United States for the next 1,000 years. Now that Mr. Trump will be in the position of making national energy policy, it’s worth examining that assertion.
