
Aid, Poverty, and Global Biodiversity

International efforts to conserve biodiversity in developing coun­tries are recognizing the need to provide alternative livelihoods.

Turkey's Ill-Considered Rush to Coal Undercuts Emissions Progress

Nearly all future growth in greenhouse gases will come from the world’s emerging economies, and preventing dangerous global warming depends on their reducing emissions growth. Thus it is troubling that Turkey, the world’s 17th largest economy, plans to as much as quadruple coal-fired electric capacity, building as many as 80 new plants by 2030. It could become the world’s third-largest operator of coal plants, after China and India.

Corrupt and Ineffective Development Investment

After some seven decades of mixed results in development assistance, there is a growing consensus that the greatest challenge is governance—in both the recipient and the donor countries.

Wealthy Investors vs. the Land, Livelihoods, and Locals

Whenever we hear about stories like these, stories of such immense exploitation and predation, there is a tendency to think: How can this happen? How can obscenely rich investors run roughshod over the land, livelihoods, and rights of impoverished local communities, and with utterly no consequences?

Deceived: VW's Emissions Scandal

What happens when a company misleads consumers and intentionally pollutes the environment? We asked some of our authors to comment on the recent Volkswagen emissions scandal. Check out what they had to say below and share your own thoughts in the comments. Photo Credit: Manik at

#FOREWORDFRIDAY: Resilient Business Edition

As we are learning the hard way, the new normal of climate change and a volatile, hyper-connected global economy mean that sudden natural disasters and unforeseen supply chain disruptions are here to stay—and pursuing business as usual is no longer a viable option. But how can businesses adjust? Joseph Fiksel argues that the key is resilience—an organization’s capacity to survive, adapt, and flourish in the face of change.
