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Thanksgiving: Are we eating it all wrong?

This Thursday, Americans will gather around family (and football) to anoint a succulently roasted bird the grand symbol of our venerated Thanksgiving tradition. We will eat dishes in honor of that first harvest festival in 1621. Cranberry sauce, stuffing, rolls, pies, and, of course, honey-hued turkeys are the dishes we Americans will enjoy, as they were enjoyed by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag almost 400 years ago.
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The Value of Mutations

The crested duck is host to a mutation that can be lethal.
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#ForewordFriday: Making Cities More Fruitful

Orange trees in Berkeley, California. The remarkable absence of fallen fruit proves that public produce is prized in some communities.
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Island Press Staff Picks - Public Produce

Handwritten signs urge passersby to pick what’s ripe in Kamloops, British Columbia. (Photo courtesy of Elaine Sedgman).