"This unique publication blends poetic awe for nature's beauty with rigorous analysis of the most difficult challenges conservation faces. Discussions range from new discoveries in biodiversity science, to profound reflection on conservation in times and areas of war, to novel field techniques and approaches. This stunning book is informative and inspiring. Every conservationist should read it."
Luigi Boitani, University of Rome, Italy and President, Society for Conservation Biology
"In times of war, it is easy to forget about the indispensible role natural resources play in supporting human livelihoods. This book reminds us of the toll war takes on wildlife and the challenges of conservation in conflict zones. It is an excellent summary of the latest conservation science and draws on important case studies of both success and failure. A source of inspiration for practitioners and policy makers alike, this volume makes an important and timely contribution to the global body of knowledge on the state of the wild."
David Jensen , United Nations Environment Programme
"This edition of the State of the Wild, with its emphasis on conservation in a time of war, puts to bed the misguided notion that natural resources are luxury items to be conserved once fighting has stopped and stability returned. Chapters in the special section uncover the diverse roles conservation plays during conflict, including key contributions to ending conflict, supporting livelihoods, and ultimately building peace. While such contributions are not easy to make, nor their results guaranteed, they offer a means to minimize the threats and grab the opportunity."
Geoffrey Dabelko, Director, Environmental Change and Security Program