PART I. Introduction
Chapter 1. The Seeds of Modern Threats \ Michael Renner
PART II. Emerging Issues
Chapter 2. Energy, Credit, and the End of Growth \ Nathan John Hagens
Chapter 3. The Trouble with Growth \ Peter A. Victor and Tim Jackson
Chapter 4. Avoiding Stranded Assets \ Ben Caldecott
Chapter 5. Mounting Losses of Agricultural Resources \ Gary Gardner
Chapter 6. The Oceans: Resilience at Risk \ Katie Auth
Chapter 7. Whose Arctic Is it? \ Heather Exner-Pirot
Chapter 8. Emerging Diseases from Animals \ Catherine C. Machalaba, Elizabeth H. Loh, Peter Daszak, and William B. Karesh
Chapter 9. Migration as a Climate Adaption Strategy \ Françios Gemenne
PART III. Conclusion
Chapter 10. Childhood's End \ Tom Prugh
2-1 The Power of Fossil Slaves
2-2 Peak Oil, or Peak Benefits?
2-3 A Brief Guide to Fracking \ Robert Rapier
2-4 Oil Prices: Walking on a Wire
3-1 What is Economic Growth?
4-1 The Tentacles of Stranded Assets
4-2 Nature's Contributions to Healthy Economics
4-3 Tools for Retiring Assets
8-1 The Chain of Infection
9-1 Natural Disasters and Human Displacement: Recent Trends \ Michael Renner
1-1 World Metal Emissions to the Atmosphere, 1901-1990
1-2 Social, Economic, and Environmental Trends Between the First and Second Rio Earth Summits
1-3 Types of Unexpected Environmental Change
2-1 Costs of Human Labor versus Fossil "Labor"
4-1 Environmental-related Risks That Could Produce Stranded Assets
4-2 Direct Environmental Damage as a Share of Revenue for Select Economic Activities
5-1 Number of Countries and Populations Subject to Water Supply Challenges, 1962 versus 2011
5-2 Land Grabbed by Foreign Entities, by Region
5-3 Leading Investor and Target Countries for Land Investments
5-4 Number of Grain Importing and Exporting Countries, 1961 versus 2013
5-5 Potential Water Savings from Increases in Water Efficiency in Agriculture
5-6 Water Needed to Produce Various Types of Meat
6-1 Employment in Fisheries and Aquaculture in Selected African Countries, 2011
1-1 World Metals Production, 1950-2013
2-1 Global Energy Consumption and Population, 1830-2010
2-2 World Primary and Useful Energy Consumption versus GDP, 1980-2008
3-1 Material Footprint "Decoupling" in OECD Countries, 1991-2008
3-2 A Low/No Growth Scenario for Canada, 2005-2035
4-1 Time Horizons for Environmental-related Risks in Agriculture
5-1 Grain Import Dependence in Two Regions, 1960-2012
6-1 World Fisheries and Aquaculture Production, 1960-2012
7-1 Mean Increases in Global Surface Temperature by Latitude in 2008-2013, Compared to 1951-1980 Baseline
7-2 Average Arctic sea Ice Extent in September, 1979-2014
7-3 Prolongation of the Continental Shelf in the Arctic
9-1 Variations in Disasters and Population Movements
9-3 Climate Change Adaption and Migration