
Best Blogs of 2016

In one place, we've put together our best blogs of 2016. Click here to download a pdf or read the 10 best posts from our authors below.        
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#ForewordFriday: The Heat Is On

While you're soaking up some sun this weekend, relax with this selection from Anthony Barnosky's  important book, Heatstroke. No one knows exactly what nature will come to look like in this new age of global warming. But Heatstroke gives us a haunting portrait of what we stand to lose and the vitality of what can be saved.
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Nature's Economy and Climate Change

On June 25, 2013, President Obama gave what may be his most important speech thus far. In it, he acknowledged the impacts of climate change on our society. These impacts include heightened atmospheric carbon pollution due to fossil fuel consumption, melting Arctic and Antarctic ice, temperature and sea level rise, and increased severe climatic events. Our president expounded on the high economic costs of climate change and our need to work as a nation and global power to be part of the solution.
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Geography of Hope

People sometimes ask me what they will learn by reading Heatstroke. Basically there are two key messages. One I've already highlighted in past blogs and in a recent op-ed. Simply put, the first message is this: we've got a problem.
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Anthony D. Barnosky: Now for Some Good News

My extended family tells me they're getting a little depressed about hearing all the bad things that might happen from global warming. So I guess it's time to point out that maybe it's not as bleak as it seems. Here's the good news.